速報APP / 工具 / Stock Market Manager

Stock Market Manager





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Rua Lourdes Vidal Alves

Stock Market Manager(圖1)-速報App

Stock Manager

Control the stock of your goods in your hand

Stock Manager facilitates management and inventory management of their goods.

Stock Market Manager(圖2)-速報App

With the Stock Manager, task management entries and outgoing goods

It becomes much simpler.

Stock Manager also provides the administration and management of other information:

Stock Market Manager(圖3)-速報App

1 - Product Groups

2 - Types of Products

3 - Products

Stock Market Manager(圖4)-速報App

4 - Brands

5 - Suppliers

6 - Customers

Stock Market Manager(圖5)-速報App

7 - Inputs and outputs in stock

And for easier management Stock Manager provides many administrative reports:

1 - Total Stock

Stock Market Manager(圖6)-速報App

2 - Stock by product

3 - Transactions by product

4 - Transactions per month

Stock Market Manager(圖7)-速報App

5 - Transactions by supplier

6 - Transactions per customer

Check Stock Manager and make your life easier!

Stock Market Manager(圖8)-速報App